Wednesday, May 14, 2008

walk your way green (and healthy!)

Here's an excerpt from an article in Fitness magazine - one of the things I've been reading lately that prompted me to start bike hike run:

-About 15 percent of all trips in the US are less than one mile long, and more than 50 percent of those are made by car.  Drive 10 fewer miles each week and you'll reduce the pollution that causes global warming by more than 500 pounds a year.
-If Americans walked just 30 minutes a day instead of driving, we'd save about 8.4 billion gallons of gasoline a year and reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by 82 million ton.
-If for one year, 10,000 people hoofed it five miles a week instead of driving, we'd eliminate the CO2 created by 219 cars.
-Walk three miles a day and you'll burn about 240 calories - about the amount in a Snickers bar - while likely lowering your blood pressure and blood-sugar levels, which helps protect you against diabetes and heart disease.

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